
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm Still Angry

In my dreams I am victorious

I am not just a kid
My innocence abounding
Still silly and giddy
Unaware of my womanly body

I am not meeting your pretty girlfriend
The next day; glaring at my bruised wrists
Seething and terrified at the sight of you
Lumps of rage forming in my throat

You are not luring me outside
‘cause you need “to talk”
You are not forcing my body
Against the fence and reveling in my struggle

You are not telling me
Not to worry about having your baby
You are not stronger than me
With alcohol on your breath

You are not pushing your lips on mine
You are not holding my hands down hard
You are not telling me you’ve never liked American girls
Quite the way you like me

In my dreams I am victorious

I am luring you out to the alleyway
Giving you that come hither look with my eyes
I am standing provocative fingering my pocket knife
I am letting you take control while I take a slice

I am strong and fierce and oh so grown
I am aware of my surroundings despite this foreign soil
I am speaking your language succinctly
I am telling you not to worry; I don’t want your baby

You are shocked at the sight of your blood
You are humiliated in your own terror
You are wise enough to start to run
You are the same as me now; untrusting

I am not still so angry a decade later
I am not wandering in alleyways and parking lots
Looking for men that look like you as I’m fingering
my knife; seeking redemption in the form of revenge

I will always say I’m a pacifist except
In the case that I should see you again
I’ll give you that come hither look with my eyes
Lure you into an alley for a night you won’t soon forget

Come here and let me show you
Just how much I’ve grown
Just how much I’ve grown

In my dreams I am victorious

Friday, October 19, 2012

Femme Fatale

Stop by my bed tonight
Wordlessly strip down
While I sit to watch
I don’t want to speak
what I could communicate with my body
And when I’m done tonight
Don’t call or text
Just wait around ‘til I call again

You’ll think it’s something more
Than it is and I just wish
You’d not worry your pretty little
head about it
Just undress me slowly
And let me kiss you tenderly
as though I’ve known you for years

Oh, it was the wine – must have been
I have to go, or maybe there was something more?
I don’t care, I don’t know
And I wanted all of you really
But emotional investment’s so costly
So I’d just as well let you keep coming to me
Until I get close enough to snuggle
to your warm chest,
say how much I love your scent
Reach inside; rip out your pumping heart
Carelessly tossing it in the pile I’ve accumulated
and you were so special baby, special to me

All I’ve ever wanted
Was to scare the shit out of you
Be reminded of my helpless fear
When my innocence was taken so young
I would have preferred a choice in the matter
But I don’t want to talk
So come here and show me what you’ve got
Then lie there in your bliss and your quiet
while I get close enough to taste your blood

All the names you’ve called me:
The Femme Fatale, so coy, so naughty
As though it might be you that hurts me
But I alone, do a good enough job of that already
And when I’m done tonight
Don’t call or text
Just wait around ‘til I call again

Don’t worry your pretty little head about it
Don’t worry your pretty.little.head.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Magic Between the Living and the Dead

“Have you ever seen a deer so small, it’s like the size of my dog,” Brad* said.

“I didn’t realize it was dead,” I said when we decided to get out of the car.  Its head had been smashed in.  It was the smallest fawn I’d ever seen and the blood had collected in a small puddle around its ear.  Its eyes were open and lifeless.

I stood over the body and the cars seemed fast so close to us as they swished by.  This is man and nature colliding, I thought.

“We can’t just leave it here,” Brad said.

“I’ve got my medicine bag in the car,” I said as I crossed the busy street more carefully than the doe had attempted.  We didn’t have a lighter so we prayed over the body and sprinkled sage and copal over it.  Brad closed its eyes before lifting its body and carrying it into the woods to place behind a tree.  We both squatted there and Brad and I both saw it breathing.  Brad said its body was stiff, though I hadn’t touched it. 

The sunlight crept through the trees and the shadows danced on the fawn’s belly.  The belly inflated and deflated again.  Brad and I crouched there looking at one another in disbelief.  This was magic.  This was sacred.  This was real.  We both bore witness to the miraculous dance in the time that exists between the living and the dead.

There have been many studies done where people don’t see things because they  don’t expect to see things.  How many things do we miss in our awareness because we believe it to be unbelievable or perhaps unexpected?  The mind is a very powerful thing - it can train itself to react to a very strict reality, but what happens when you begin to open those windows of consciousness? When those rules that dictate reality begin to bend so slightly? How much more aware will you be?  How much more will you see?

*The name was changed.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Spider Above My Head


Background music: The Cinematic Orchestra, Awakening of a Woman

Melancholy looms over me like a spider hanging on a thread
I've been spun into its web; cocooned inside
I've been eating only the gnats and the flies
I've been faking it for the sake of congeniality
I've been acting as though my limbs don’t all connect back to me
I've been fearful of my own progress
I've been living inside my head instead of the present
I've been putting things in my body I cannot justify or defend
I've been battling my own duality

Oh Noble Tigress
Oh Regal Lioness
Remember your Divinity

I've been crossing busy streets without looking
I've been dancing in crowded bars just to feel bodies touching
I've been sneaking in fruits of pleasure from forbidden trees
I've been playing that same sad tape on repeat
I've been looking only through dirty windows
I've been acting as though that’s all that I deserve
I've been getting distracted by cheap shiny objects
I've been cocooned staring at a spider’s red under belly
Black Widow Black Widow
Passionate Woman
Unleash that Tigress; set her free
Watch that lioness consume the decay of me
It’s my unraveling

Beautiful Warrior:
So much love all around you
Widen the periphery of your heart
And see beyond
That melancholy looming over your head
Like a spider dangling on a thread

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Mirror

I haven't been a nice person myself anyway, possibly others.

There are 8 limbs of yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.

The yamas generally mean abstinence or restraint and the niyamas have more to do with observance.  Together the yamas and the niyamas form a sort of code of conduct for yogis, similar to the 10 commandments for Christians.

The first yama is ahimsa: non-harm or non-violence. 

Yoga is a mirror
In yoga, we attempt to bring our practice from the mat into the real world. We allow the experience on the mat to be a mirror to our experiences off the mat.  

Ahimsa is not harming your own body for the sake of perfecting a pose i.e. not pushing your knee when it’s in pain.  Yet, as with everything in yoga, it’s much more than the physical practice of not being violent.  As powerful beings we are able to cause much harm by our words i.e. bullying.  Even our thoughts can cause pain and violence, especially to ourselves.

In yoga we always start right from where we are.  Ahimsa teaches that even right now, from where I am sitting in my chair writing this I can choose to practice or not practice ahimsa.    If I slouch I am harming my future self.  Taking it a step further I could choose the way of ahimsa by having compassion for myself, not judging my failures and treating myself with kindness especially in my thoughts.  When I compare myself to others it harms me.  When I am critical of others it is also self-harming – it is but a mirror to how I think of myself

When we are trying to change habits, like learning not to slouch or think violent thoughts about ourselves it is helpful to remember that each moment is one we've never lived before.  Right now is a fresh moment to start practicing.  

Ahimsa is important because we must have compassion for ourselves before we are able to have compassion for others.  The same goes for ahimsa, if you can’t practice ahimsa in relation to yourself, you cannot practice it off the mat or in relation to others.  

Don't we all want to be a little kinder and nicer, starting today?