Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Fast: Day 23 (Jordan Day) and How to do a Juice Fast

Today is my “Jordan day” of the fast.   My cousin coined the term during his 23rd birthday.  He said: “This is my Jordan year;” 23 representing the numbers Michael Jordan rocked with The Bulls.  Can you tell we’re Chicagoans?  Anyway, my “Jordan day” doesn’t start with Wheaties, the breakfast of champions (the cheesiness stops here, I swear).  It starts with a green smoothie.

I’ve gotten a couple of requests to share exactly how I’ve been fasting.  Most people are surprised to know that I don’t spend all day at home in bed rest next to my juicer.  I generally have very busy and active days.

A typical weekday for me means I’m up at 6 a.m. and out the door by 7:30 a.m.  I generally don’t see my apartment again until 8 or 9 that night.  This is due to many work and social engagements (I like to keep really really busy).  This might include luncheon meetings during the day, workouts, yoga classes, board meetings in the evenings, networking events or even dinner galas. 

For those of you who have researched juice fasting you know that juicing (not the Arnold kind) is done using fresh fruits and vegetables (organic if possible) and a juicer, but how can you maintain a super busy schedule that include breakfasts, luncheons and yes, even galas while juice fasting?

After only 13 days of juice fasting (23 days of fasting include the 10 day Master Cleanse), I certainly don’t consider myself an expert, but here’s what I do:

I make all of my juice in the morning before leaving and carry it in one or two water bottles to work and stick it in the fridge here while sipping on it continuously.  It’s true that juice is best once freshly made but if you keep it refrigerated it can last up to 24 hours.

This was yesterday’s meal:
Breakfast juice:
5 carrots, 1-2 beets, 1 sweet potato (yes you can juice sweet potatoes)

Big Lunch juice:
7 leaves of dinosaur kale, 3 brussel sprouts (I juice anything and everything), 3 apples.  I juice all of those then I mix the green juice in the blender with three very ripe bananas.  I use bananas because unlike other fruits, their sugars are distributed in your body slowly so you get hungry less.  Another reason I use bananas is because kale and swiss chard and other leafy greens that are super good for you taste like chlorophyll (which isn’t very tasty) and bananas are great at masking the taste especially ripe ones.

Avocado Cilantro Soup (this is all blended and NOT juiced):
2 avocados
Juice of one lime
1 bunch of green onions

So perhaps a couple of days during the week my crazy schedule catches up with me and I wake up a little late or perhaps I forget my juice in the fridge and don’t realize it until hunger strikes on the bus.  Here are some tips for such occasions:
·         I work downtown and there are a few places that make fresh juice.  I have them memorized and head there on my lunch break.
·         In my neighborhood, the café down the street juices fresh orange and carrot juice.  If I woke up late, I’ll run to the café and get a small orange juice for breakfast and a large carrot juice for lunch.
·         Out and about?  Asian restaurants that offer smoothies generally can make you fresh juice or smoothies with only fruit and water or ice when you’re in a juice bind.
·         Some health food stores have juice bars.
·         Many Middle Eastern restaurants have juicers.
·         Worst case scenario includes you picking up some Naked brand juice – make sure to review all ingredients to make sure it’s 100% fruits and vegetables only.
·         Jamba Juice can make you some fruit juices but they are not the best providers of vegetable juices.
·         Hit up your neighborhoods Farmer’s Market on the weekends so you have ingredients for the week.  Don’t be afraid to juice new things for the first time.  Juicing is a great way to experiment with new fruits and vegetables!
·         Enjoy your fresh juice and the experience!

If you are interested in juice fasting here are some better resources, links and books that I recommend:

Watch this documentary: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

This is a comprehensive site with information on various types of juice fasting including the Master Cleanse which I previously did. The organization of the site isn't too user friendly but if you poke around a bit there's some good information.

These books have provided me with basic information and recipes:

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